Socio-Cultural Activities : |
i) Library- "Ramakrishna Pathagar" : |
A small Library with a stock of 1500 books on various subjects including
religious one is opened for the School Children, youths and other people. Idea behind
the library is to spread Knowledge and information among the financially weak people
who cannot afford to buy books & periodicals. People have every right to get
information about every aspect of development process; Government is making
arrangement for executing the issue. ln the last general meeting (2005'-2006) we
decided to form a Village information Centre" as an extended part of our library. Our
thinking is to cater information regarding Education, Health, Environment, Technical
Knowledge, information Technology, Business, Employment news, Self employment
etc. to the people.
ii) On 8th March 2012 we organized a discussion (at our Seminar Hall) on World
Woman’s right day. A workshop was sponsored by “Rotary Club of Calcutta Mega
City”, too. |
iii) Cultural Functions, Games and Sports : |
Like previous years Ashram has observed Cultural Programme including
celebration of following Red lettered days and Birth Days of great men and women.
Irrespective of Caste creed, religion, a good number of community people including our
school children participated in the Annual Cultural Programme. Prize distribution
Ceremony was held in a pleasant manner.
iv) Chalaman Bahini/Yoga Centre : |
We have a Scout Group named “Chalaman Bahini”.
This year, 50 (Fifty) children from our organization, are getting on Bratachari (song &
dance) and also taking training on Khoko, Kabadi, Yoga under the supervision of Miss
Priyodarsini Barik, a well known trainer of R.K. Mission Lokshiksha Parishad, Narendrapur. |
v)Regarding Environment : |
We have got financial help and co-operation from Petroleum Conservation &
Research Dept., Govt. of lndia in this field. From R.K.M. Lokshikha Parisad,
Narendrapur to arrange awareness campaign, seminar, street publicity and poster
exhibition regarding Oil Conservation & Agriculture Exhibition was also organized.
Awareness Campaigns were organized at Ashram Training Hall to create awareness
among the local people including students about Oil Conservation. A seminar was also
organised by us on the subject at Hotar Marjada Gram Panchayet. A huge number of
local people attended the Seminar. Mr. Tarun Naskar, a Teacher in Geography delivered
his valuable lecture on Oil Conservation and Mr. Subhas Mondal, KPS delivered lecture
on use of fertilizer for Plantation.
Women & Youth Development : Self Dignity, Self Dependent Self Employment : |
i)Women's Development :
The main objective of the programme is improvement of
socio-economical status of the rural women, It is our observation and experience that,
women in the male- oriented society are subordinate, discriminated and exploited
ruthlessly. As a result, they are confined to a very low status in every sphere of life. To
uplift the status of women we have initiated activities to enhance the quality of life of rural women. |
ii)Women's Group at village level : |
Fifty women's group have been formed at village level. The participants in awareness
building camps on various subject like social and political equal rights among men and
women are being imparted training like health care, family planning, child care, adult
education etc. Apart from that, the groups take active roles to stop all sorts of ill
treatment towards women. They also participate in Gram Sabha meeting and exchange their views with Gram Panchayet members regarding various development programmes. |
iii)Youth Development & Training : |
One of the important programme is training on skill formation to create space for self
employment of the youth (both men and women). The skill formation through training
plays vital roles to change their status of life in the rural community. Poverty is a curse;
in fact the rural poor families live in debt and pass their days in anxiety. The reason
behind this is financial stringency and lack of technical skill.. Keeping this idea in view,
we conduct training programme for them. i.e Tailoring & Cutting, Beauty Culture, Jori
Work & Dress Design, Bee Keeping. Those Training is being sponsored by J SS, R.K.
Mission Loksiksha Parisad , Narendrepur, 24 Pgs(S) & Gyan Chandra Ghosh
Polytechnic, Kolkata. Nearly 80 men and women already have completed their training
and have started utilising their skills. |
iv)Youth Development Centre : Training Programme : |
We have been encouraged by Diamond Harbour Nehru Yuba Kendra, Govt. Of India, who has affiliated our Youth Development Centre. |
v)Small Savings & Micro-Credit Programs : |
With a view to facilitate economic
empowerment, we have introduced "Small Savings Scheme" which is known as “Jeevan
Deep”. The amount of savings is deposited in local Bank, Bank of India. Hotar branch,
and loan is availed of by the members against deposited under “Self-employment
schemes”. Thus a good number of men and women (88) are engaged in income
generation activities and able to increase their income level to a considerable extent.
We have arranged micro-credit system financed by AGAPE, Germany. The
beneficiaries are given loan for business like fish, vegetables, poultry, pisci-culture and many other micro business. |
Other Social Activities : |
Relief Work : |
We have organised time to time relief work like distribution of Sarees &
garments (50 pcs & 50 pcs.) to the distressed people with the help of Ramakrishna
Math, Belurmath, Sasan Ramakrishna Viveknanda Vedanta Literature Committee, South 24 Pgs. and Banibrata Guha, Kolkata. |