On behalf of Shri Shri Sarada Ramakrishna Ashram, l need to
focus its background in a nut shell. lt is a rural development
organization established in l963 with a commitment to bring
about qualitative changes in the life of community people of all
ages irrespective of caste, creed and religion. We enjoy support
of community people, Panchayet, Govt. departments and
Besides, a good and holistic relation with Ramakrishna Math and Mission, Belur
Math and Vedanta Math is maintained through various activities including celebration
of Birthday ceremony of Shree Ramakrishna, Ma Sarada and Swami Vivekananda.
Our working area though not far from Kolkata is beset with socio-economic
multifarious problems where around 70% villagers mainstay of livelihood depends on
single cropped agriculture activities and other sources. It is a challenge to deal with the
problems like illiteracy, superstition, drug addiction, mal-nutrition among mothers &
children and unemployment with our limited financial and human resources. |